Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)

Unlocking your big data future with drone BVLOS technology

What is

Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) technology, enables unmanned aerial observation with the capacity to remotely cover distances far beyond a drone pilot’s sight. BVLOS capacity means the speed and accuracy of fact-finding operations (such as structural inspections, surveying, mapping, environmental monitoring and search and rescue), elevates large area surveying exponentially.

BVLOS enables pilots to remotely land, lift and fly drones over large tracts of land gathering big data in the process. Onboard live feed transmission sends information about the drone's position and progress, and in some cases the real-time, high-resolution data collected can be streamed back to source. Continuing advances in sensor technology options - infrared, magnetic, ultrasonic, hyperspectral and RGB - means the capacity to measure and detect is almost limitless.

The Benefits

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with BVLOS capacity can quickly conduct reconnaissance to gather imagery and data from the most inhospitable or inaccessible of environments. Operations that previously relied on traditional methods to access territory – ground teams, expensive manned aircraft, or satellite links - can now be completed speedily and at a fraction of the cost without risk to human life.

BVLOS is quickly superseding the previous go-to solution, Visual Line of Site (VLOS) operations, and extending the capacity of traditional drones to cover vast areas without direct sight from the pilot. This degree of autonomous flight means BVLOS is revolutionising the impact of drone usage across a wide range of commercial sectors.

What is Required to Conduct BVLOS Operations?

BVLOS regulations vary across countries, and it is essential to only make use of fully certified operators in this regard.

In Australia, drone operations are overseen by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), and in line with the more sophisticated capabilities of BVLOS flying, authorisation is tightly regulated, with permission only granted per area.

Operators must undertake stringent practical and theoretical training before they are permitted to conduct BVLOS flights. In addition to this training, risk assessments, policy documents and manuals must be submitted to CASA for scrutiny before approval is granted.

In 2018, Rocketmine was approved by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) to fly commercial drones BVLOS in that country; a major achievement and reflective of the company’s position as industry leaders. Having successfully completed the SACAA’s rigorous process and with half a decade of BVLOS experience, the company is able to tackle many projects outside of scope for other operators.

Rocketmine's Services

For over a decade, Rocketmine’s early recognition of the enormous potential of drones has provided clients with cutting edge data access in the resources sector across the globe.

Mine site surveys conducted by Mining Technology magazine in 2022 show 75% of Australasian respondents had either “fully invested” in drone technology or made a “considerable” investment.

Engaging Rocketmine to support ventures means engaging experts with a wealth of knowledge to maximise the power and precision of BVLOS technology.

With this you can:

  • monitor
  • map
  • survey
  • protect
  • deliver data and images regardless of location
  • improve safety
  • increase productivity
  • reduce costs
  • support exploration and more.

BVLOS has the potential to unlock your business for the future, find out how we can help you do that today.

Get started with Rocketmine

Interested in finding out more about how our drone survey mapping technology can assist you with your business needs?

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