Amazon Drone Carrying A Package

Posted Jun 22, 2015 by nomthi

Retail giant considers deliveries by drones

Online retail giant Amazon says it is developing the technology to use drones to deliver packages in 30 minutes or less, a broad expansion of unmanned flight that is raising concerns about safety, security and privacy.

Using commercial drones to quickly deliver packages is probably years away. But when government regulations catch up with emerging technologies, Amazon says it could revolutionize the way people shop for items they need quickly and could ship packages weighing up to 5 pounds in much less time via small, remote-controlled flying devices which covers about 86 percent of the items Amazon delivers. The drones the company is testing have a range of about 10 miles.

Amazon has already named their sub-brand as ‘Amazon Prime Air’.

Drone delivery would take delivery trucks off the road, reducing both traffic congestion and air pollution. Although this could be an environmentally beneficial option, some observers are of the opinion that the drone-delivery concept will have several legal restrictions to work around before it can be fully implemented, especially in large cities with no-fly-zones.

On 1 July 2015, the legislation around the commercial use of drones will be implemented in South Africa. Although the sending of packages is great progress for retail delivery in terms of speed and time, the legislation does not permit the carrying of objects for delivery. The only objects that can be connected to the drone is camera/recording equipment.

RocketMine will keep you posted on any changes to the legislation.

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