Rocketmine Launched Following Approved CAA Regulations Blog Image

Posted May 28, 2015 by roger

Rocketmine Launched Following Approved CAA Regulations

Leading technology company, PDTSA, is proud to announce the launch of its Rocketmine drone division, following the recent approval of regulations by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA).

The division will provide commercial access to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS); commonly known as drones.

Legislation for the commercial use of these systems will be in effect as of 1 July 2015.

Rocketmine’s service applications include the mining, water and forestry, construction, civil engineering and agricultural industries. In fact, the company has already established understandings with leading mining corporates across the country.

Rocketmine and its RPAS pilots are fully compliant with all SACAA regulations and will be operating within all recommended parameters for safety and security.

Though RocketMine’s aerial photogrammetry service companies will be able to access data-rich imagery on a consistent basis and at a lower cost than traditional methodologies.

“In mining, for example, traditional surveying techniques on unstable open cast mines are costly, slow and dangerous,” says RocketMine Division Head, Chris Clark. “RocketMine’s service allows for stockpiles to be calculated and blast designs to be compiled from a safe distance, significantly limiting the risk factor and speeding up the delivery of data.”

The commercial applications for drone technology are vast – with a wide variety of sensors and data processing techniques delivering new and accurate insights into operations on the ground.

“This announcement by the SACAA allows licensed operators like RocketMine to deliver customised Aerial Data Solutions to a variety of industries,” says Clark. “We look forward to providing leaders with the data they need to make better business decisions.”

For more information on all RocketMine services please visit, email: or call us on +27 10 590 3327

Media enquiries:

Vera Khumalo                                                                              Chris Clark                                                 

071 217 4422                                                                                  084 581 2378


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