
Posted Aug 20, 2015 by nomthi

Rocketmine presents at Africa Geospatial Forum


Geospatial Media and Communications held the 10th Edition of the Africa Geospatial Forum 2015 on 18-19 August at Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference centre, Johannesburg South Africa.

The Africa Geospatial Forum 2015 revolved around the theme “Moving Towards GeoSmart Africa” and the objectives were to bring forth the crucial role that geospatial technology can plays in accelerating the growth of Africa. The aim was to bring together professionals, service providers, researchers, technology users, policy makers and representatives from the industry to deliberate on ways required for the further expansion and growth of geospatial technology in Africa.

RocketMine was invited to deliver a presentation on UAV’s and Sensors particularly in the mining industry.

Chris Clark, Division Head and Business Development Manager at RocketMine presented on the new generation of UAVs is being developed to improve monitoring of different kinds of systems these developments offer a broad range of solutions for different applications related to the attainment of information about objects or structures on Earth.

The presentation was met with questions of the accuracy of the data collected from UAV technology which was said to be within 0.02% accuracy.

If you need any information on how RocketMine UAV’s can help speed up operational decisions, please contact us.


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