TECH TOUR DAY: Mpumulanga & Gauteng

The RocketTechTour Mpumalanga & Gauteng Events attracted significant interest from South Africa’s leading companies and we had full houses at both events with guests interested in our next gen tech and innovative solutions for multiple industries.

From mining to engineering, agriculture and future careers options, Rocketmine, RocketFarm and Drone Safety and Legal and partners provided insights into how drones are shaping the future of Africa’s economy.

A major highlight was the incredible insights provided by our fixed-wing drone light Detection and ranging (LIDAR) solution and the fast data turn around solution that we can provide to clients. Taking place at the Middleburg Golf Club (17 September) and University of Pretoria’s Engineering 4.0 Campus. (20 September), the days provided a platform for our clients and future partners to engage in-person with the growing rocketmine team.

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