Why A Licensed Operator Is The Right Way To Go Blog Image

Posted Feb 9, 2016 by nomthi

Why a licensed operator is the right way to go

Since 2014, the mining industry experienced an influx of commercial drone/RPAS operators, specializing in aerial photography for surveying purposes. The South African Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has since drafted and implemented regulation around the commercial use of drones.

The qualifying and auditing processes conducted by the CAA are detailed processes that RocketMine and two other non-mining operators have completed.

As the cost and time-cutting benefits outlines are already benefitting the mining industry, parties looking for aerial photography should consider using a licensed operator and not risk potential penalties of bypassing this route.

A licensed operator like RocketMine has been vetted for equipment and pilot readiness.

Under the CAA’s requirements a licensed operator should have the following:


  1. Registered RPAS (drone)
  2. RPL – RPAS Pilot License (for the pilot)
  3. ASL – Air Services License (from Department of Transport)
  4. RLA – RPAS Letter of Approval (for each drone)
  5. ROC – Remote Operator Certificate (approved ops manual)


Any reputable companies in South Africa should not risk being caught using an unlicensed operator as they will be subject to penalties and potential damage to their reputation.

What options are there for companies?

Many have opted out of purchasing their own drones and becoming licensed operators based on the qualifying criteria and compliance requirements set by governing bodies. RocketMine has taken that headache away from customers and is committed to providing a high-grade service in partnership with your/outsourced surveyors.

If you are ready to use a licensed operator, contact RocketMine today.





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